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All MAIN libraries have access to the following portals of scholarly articles covering many subjects, such as education, health, business, law, and government.
Academic Search Premier contains indexing for 8,025 publications, with full text for more than 4,500 of those titles.
The Consumer Library Information Prescription (CLIP) provides current, reliable health information to patients and the public.
The Educational Resource Information Center (ERIC) provides scholarly articles for educators.
Over 1 million digital images from public domain and news sources.
Access to millions of job listings, plus assistance with career-related paperwork.
Full-text, law-related articles from over 200 publications, plus thousands of legal forms.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts is a library science-focused database of scholarly articles.
A comprehensive database containing information on thousands of authors and their works.
Multidisciplinary database providing full-text articles from over 1,000 reference publications.
Full-text articles from popular middle school magazines.
News on the different branches of the United States military and government.
Reader’s advisory tool for fiction readers.
Reader’s advisory tool for fiction readers, grades Kindergarten through 8th grade.
Database designed to present users with multiple perspectives on a current social issue.
Full-text articles from popular elementary/primary school magazines.
Directory of millions of American businesses, healthcare providers, and residents.
Una base de datos complete de habla hispana. A complete database in Spanish.
A daily updated database providing coverage of the region’s business publications.
A comprehensive resource for small business owners and those interested in starting a business.
Education-focused database of abstracts from hundreds of periodicals, over 95% of which are peer-reviews.