The Mountain Lakes Public Library is pleased to offer its patrons access to the wealth of resources on the Internet. We would like to remind the users of this service that:

Some or all of the resources may be unavailable at any time for technical reasons over which the Mountain Lakes Public Library has no control.

Library personnel have no control over quality of information on the Internet. Each user must consider the validity and reliability of the information found.

Parents or guardians, NOT the Library or its staff, are responsible for Internet information selected and/or accessed by their children. Some materials may be offensive, disturbing and/or illegal. Library personnel do not monitor or supervise Internet access, except for length of time of use.


• Must sign in at the library’s circulation desk to use a computer;
• Are limited to 20 minutes when another patron is waiting.

Adopted by the Mountain Lakes Public Library Board of Trustees at their meeting of July 1996; amended and reconfirmed at the meeting of November 17, 1998.

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